UBE Question of the Day

Bar Exam Multiple Choice Questions

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Today's Question:

Question Of The Day

A state statute required all retail milk businesses grossing over one hundred thousand dollars in annual state sales to purchase one-half of their milk supply from dairy farms located in within the state. Which of the following parties has standing to contest the constitutionality of this state statute in the state federal court?

(A) The governor of the neighboring state on parens patriae theory.

(B) A holder of preferred stock of a milk company that sells one million dollars worth of milk in the state, but only purchases two hundred thousand dollars worth of milk from state farmers.

(C) A farmer from another state who supplies milk to a company within the state, with milk sales totaling two hundred thousand dollars and constituting 80% of the inventory in the state company.

(D) A company which sells seventy-five thousand dollars worth of milk in the state, but only purchases fifteen thousand dollars worth of milk in the state.